What is Group Psychotherapy?

The form of Group Psychotherapy I offer is Group Analytic Psychotherapy,  a powerful model of psychotherapy where members of the group come together to explore and work through their difficulties and distress with the help of a group analyst. At its heart, Group Analytic Psychotherapy holds that the relationships between us, our interconnectedness with one another and our family, social and historical contexts are crucial in understanding and working through our deepest distress.  The process of forming strong relationships in the safe and confidential setting of the group is the basis of working through emotional and relationship difficulties and to a greater sense of self-understanding.

(Click here to read about the difficulties that group therapy can be particularly helpful for)


There are many benefits group therapy provides that individual therapy may not.

  • You are not alone: The most powerful aspect of group psychotherapy is that it gives you the opportunity to belong and to know that you are not alone, no matter how distressed and overwhelmed you may be feeling as a result of your difficulties.  Group Psychotherapy gives you the opportunity to speak to others who are going through or have been through similar experiences to yours.  
  • Affordable Psychotherapy: Group therapy offers excellent value for money as you will have an experience of in-depth psychotherapy with a highly-trained group psychotherapist as well as the benefit of working through difficulties in relationship with others.
  • Deeper connections and a support network: The connections formed through being in group psychotherapy can empower you to be open and can help you to build your confidence in relating to others with the support of the other members and the therapist. 
  • A safe space to understand relationships: If you experience groups as scary and unsafe places, then perhaps it is time you consider joining a therapy group. The contained space of a psychotherapy group can be a place for you to work through whatever it is you struggle with in terms of relationships with others, self-confidence and communication. 
  • Offering perspective and overcoming difficulties to move forward: The opportunity to build relationships within the safe space of a therapy group, to have the experience of feeling understood by others and to be able to hear their perspectives on your distress and experiences can provide a strong base from which to find and experiment with new strategies to bring about change in your life. 
  • Finding your sense of self in relation to others: A group is the ideal setting in which unhelpful patterns in relationships in everyday life can be identified and explored thus freeing you up  to be more creative, authentic and empowered in how you relate to yourself and to others. 
  •  Getting in touch with your hidden potential through working with others: The culture of each psychotherapy group is co-created by its members with the help of the therapist. Supporting others in the group by helping them work through their own difficulties is a uniquely empowering experience that can shine a light on your own potential and can also give you another perspective on what you may have experienced.

Difficulties that Group Psychotherapy can be particularly helpful for:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship difficulties ( personal and within the workplace)
  • Adjustment difficulties
  • Feelings of isolation, loneliness and a sense of ‘not fitting in’
  • Feeling that life has lost its sense of meaning and purpose

The above list is just a guide; if what you struggle with is not listed above, please email me at and we can have a conversation to explore whether you may benefit from group psychotherapy.

Is Group Psychotherapy for me?

Most people are understandably anxious about being in a group. At the initial consultation, we can discuss your difficulties in some detail and I will help you decide whether you would benefit from belonging to a therapy group. We will also have the time to address any fears and anxieties you might have about joining a psychotherapy group and to discuss what may be the best time for you to begin in the group. Once we have made that decision, I will meet with you a few more times on an individual basis help you to think about how you might use group psychotherapy to work through your difficulties. Many people experience these preparatory sessions as extremely helpful in building their confidence about getting the best from being in the group.

Safety and confidentiality are important aspects of group psychotherapy, which is why contact outside the time of the group sessions is strongly discouraged. This is so that group members can feel confident to discuss deeply personal experiences and work through their distress within the safe space of the psychotherapy.

Current group therapy vacancies:

There are vacancies in an established  long-term psychotherapy group that I conduct on Wednesday evenings in south Manchester. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about the group or would like to become a member.